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Type Rating Training

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Type Rating Training

Our recent analysis identifies a global requirement for 2,55,000 new airline pilots over the next 10 years to sustain and grow the commercial air transport industry. Type rating is regulating agency’s certification of an airline pilot to fly a certain aircraft type that requires additional training beyond the scope of the initial license and aircraft class-training.

Speedjet Aviation in associates with GAA has developed a new A320 Type Rating Program, Which not only meets the minimum DGCA Criteria, but also provides one of the indsutry’s most advance & comprehensive type rating training programs, covering a wide spectrum of commercial aircraft types. For a unique learning experience with innovative technologies & gaining that crucial competitive edge over the others, get trained at Speedjet Aviation and be ready for a satisfying international carrer.

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Chennai Admission

Nazu shaikh - Marketing Associate (Chennai)

SpeedJet Aviation by Mile's Achievers Academy Mumbai

Shaik Imran